Autism: Everything Parents and Caregivers Should Know About the Disorder

Book review 

People tend to turn to the Internet when looking for any kind of information. This holds true for parents and caregivers searching for usable information about autism. Suffice it to say there has been a lot written on the subject. A search on Google produces 158 hits for "autism eBooks." lists about 50 books in hard back and paperback. For a disorder that is receiving more attention these days, there is a paucity of real information parents can use. 

Given the relative lack of good sources, what follows is an admittedly cursory and non-representative survey of the current eBooks available. The selection process was admittedly subjective but done logically and rationally. Those eBooks of a "feel good" nature have been excluded, as have those profiling the trials and tribulations of being the parent of a child with autism. Those autism eBooks providing nuts-and-bolts advice and tips made the list. 

"Autism: Everything Parents and Caregivers Should Know About the Disorder" provides a comprehensive look at current research into the search for the causes of autism, the signs of autism, age of onset, strategies for nurturing communication and social skills, and treatment options. The information set forth is clear, actionable, and devoid of the "Care Bears" approach to autism. 

"How to Live with Autism and Asperger Syndrome" is a title that ranks near the top on several search engines, and with good reason. In an easy-to-read format, the book presents useful everyday tips on what autism symptoms to look for, consulting with the child"s teachers on schoolroom behavior, how to mitigate behavior problems, and so forth. Most striking, perhaps, is the advice on identifying older children who may have escaped earlier detection and are now exhibiting the hallmarks of autism. 

"Reaching and Teaching the Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder" presents some of the more recent research on learning theory with regard to autism and its near relatives. The author emphasizes the point that not all people with autism are the same; thus, different strategies need to be used in teaching the individual. 
 There are, for course, many other online resources available. Scholarly journals on topics as diverse as computer science and psychiatry often contain fascinating articles with autism as the topic. However, entire eBooks devoted solely to autism are disturbingly absent.


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