Coping With Hyperactive child with The Calm Kids Program

"Now You Can Eliminate Hyperactivity, Increase Attention Span, Eradicate Defiant Behavior and Finally End The ADD/ADHD Nightmare Forever...

With The Only Treatment That Combines Cutting Edge Audio Technology, Behavior Modification and Diet Into A Program Unlike Any Other"

Here is the story of Sa'Diyya Patel the founder of The Calm Kids Program: 

Let me introduce myself. My name is Sa'Diyya Patel and I am the parent of a son (AND A HUSBAND) with ADHD, and I have ADD myself. I also have a diploma in developmental psychology and I am a qualified Montessori Teacher. In addition, I have also homeschooled my 4 kids for over 5 years. So you can see that I've dealt with ADD personally, professionally and in a family situation.

 I personally know the pain and frustration that comes from dealing with ADD / ADHD. As a child I was labelled a space head, a dreamer who would amount to nothing. I was never able to focus on any project for very long. My mind would race off on another train of thought, and before long I had abandoned one project to begin another....then left that one half completed to start something else.....I would flit through the day leaving a string of half completed projects in my wake. 

 I was introduced to the idea of Attention Deficit Disorder when studying for my diploma in child psychology, and I dealt with kids with ADD & ADHD when I began teaching.

 Then I married a man who has ADHD, who literally cannot sit still for even a minute. 

 And a few years later, I had my son who, like his father, is a textbook case of ADHD. Relatives soon labeled him a terror, and me a poor parent who couldn't even control her child despite all her academic qualifications. 

 As he grew older and went to school the problem worsened. He did poorly academically, and his self-esteem was in shreds. Many days he came home in tears, because the teacher had called him slow or stupid or the other kids had laughed at him. To try and protect him and rebuild his self-esteem I began homeschooling him. But being ADD myself it was a challenge. Through all of this I wasn't willing to put my son on Ritalin or any other mind-altering drug. 

 I asked myself that question at least a dozen times each day, and I'm sure you have too. Why can't he behave? Why can't he try harder and concentrate on his school work? 

 Have you ever considered that perhaps your child doesn't sit still, concentrate and focus because he can't ...not because he won't. Believe me when I tell you that your child's short attention span and need for constant motion is not something within his control. 

 Telling him to 'concentrate' and 'sit still' is worthless and punishing him for his inability to do so is counterproductive. 
 Recent scientific research has uncovered that hyperactive, fidgety, unfocused children are that way because their brains operate differently from those of a more normal, calm and focused person. 

 Does this mean that there is something wrong with my child's brain? Yes, and no. Your child's brain does operate a bit differently from the brain of a calmer and more rational counterpart - I'll explain how in a moment- but the situation can be remedied.

How exactly is my child's brain different? In order for you to fully understand why your child behaves the way he does, I first need to explain to you a bit about how the brain works. I'll keep the explanation short and to the point and do my best not to bore you. So just hang in there. 

 Your brain is made up of billions of cells called neurons which use electricity to communicate with each other.This electrical activity in the brain is what is referred to as brainwaves. There are different brainwave patterns depending on what the person is doing, thinking and/or feeling at that moment. 

 Without going into a lenghty explanation of the different brainwave patterns and their purposes, people with ADD/ADHD lack sufficient Beta Brainwave Activity. The right and left hemispheres also fail to work in synchrony and glucose isn't metabolized effectively. 

 Raising the level of Beta Brainwaves can improve emotional stability, energy levels, attentiveness, concentration and in some cases even increase your IQ. What Can Be Done About This? 

Up till now the solutions for Attention Deficit Disorder were very one-sided. It was either medication (which had many side effects), a strictly controlled diet (which often didn't make any significant difference), behaviour modification or supplements. 

 Because of my personal experience with ADD I realized that this disorder affects a person's entire life and because of that the treatment ADD/ADHD also has to be approached from a holistic and multi-faceted perspective. 

 ADD/ADHD is also a very individual thing. What works for one patient won't work for another. That's why there's no one -size-fits-all treatment for ADD/ least none that work. 

 That's what prompted me to come up with the Calm Kids ADD/ADHD Program. 

 I spent thousands of hours researching the latest treatments on the internet, read hundreds of books on the subject and spoke to dozens of experts. The solutions were many and varied. Some produced no change at all, others a slight improvement. 

 I began to document what what worked, and tweaked it to make it better. And over time, both my son, my husband and I had improved remarkably. 

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