Educating The Heart

Let's learn from

Martha Stevens Mother of Five

The Greatest Parenting Secret in History Revealed 

Dear Mom and Dad,

If I can help you to avoid some of the stumbling blocks and pitfalls it will not only help you, but also your children who will be able to grow up with the kind of coaching and mentoring they need from you in order to blossom to their fullest potential. You will also grow into your fullest potential as the wonderful parent you want to be.

So, just what is the Secret?

It was only after my children had grown that in looking back I could clearly see the twists and turns, the difficulties and the obstacles that children experience in the process of growing up. It also became clear what it was that they really, really needed to navigate through those years without crashing.

So I began writing these thoughts down, not intending to write a book, however, having once put pen to paper I just kept writing.

But, I won't keep you in suspense.

The secret is...

Educating the HEART!

Surprised? So much emphasis is placed on educating the intellect — the BRAIN — that the heart is simply overlooked.

The brain gives one knowledge, but the heart gives it ... Direction ... and enriches life in a way that logic alone cannot.

In the end, it's not GENIUS (the brain) but WISDOM (the heart) that wins out and makes your life fulfilling

One can grow up and be a super genius, but without the emotional balance and steadiness that comes from an educated heart, a person's life may not run as smoothly as they would like, and even wind up being wasted or wrecked. No one wants that for their children.

Educating the heart is done by teaching Life's Lessons — the overriding principles that govern our lives — and the matching Life Skills that make it work.

Educating the heart develops good character qualities and includes such things as . . .

• Honesty • Kindness • Integrity • Unselfishness • Being a willing and diligent worker • Doing chores without being told • Reaching out and helping others • Learning conversational skills • Making and keeping friends

There is much more . . .

They need to know the purpose of Rules (creates order out of chaos), and why they have to follow them.

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