Become a Certified Self-Esteem Coach for Children


Learn to Become a Certified Self-Esteem Coach for Children and Learn the Life-Impacting Secrets to Champion Kids to Elevate their Self-Esteem & Live their Best Lives…

Low self-esteem has its origins when we are young, typically before the age of six. It begins with someone saying or doing something that causes a child to get the idea that he or she is unlovable, unworthy, imperfect, flawed, or defective in some significant way. Whether the child buys into an unkind word or deed, perhaps experiences a bullying episode or an abusive situation of some sort, or misinterprets what others said or did in such a way that has them feel less than, not good enough, unlovable, or like they don't belong, this initial upset has children begin to believe there is something wrong with them. They then scan for evidence to "prove" to themselves that their initial fear was correct…and, of course, they find plenty of episodes that reinforce that there is something defective about who they are as a person. Over the course of years and decades, they gather hundreds or thousands of pieces of evidence that they are imperfect, unlovable, and not worthy of all the good things life has to offer. Before long, they accept this negative self-image as FACT and soon become resigned to believing that's just how it is… and there's nothing they can do about it!

NOT having sufficient levels of Self-Esteem, will impact a child's relationships, communication, personal effectiveness and ability to reach their fullest potential. Scientific studies show over and over the relationship between not having sufficient self-esteem and threats like:

Being Insecure – creeping feelings of discomfort

Procrastination – putting things off until you are doomed to fail

Frustration – not getting the results you want, again and again

Worrying – visualizing and expecting negative, self-fulfilling results without reason

Anger – finding yourself in a state of upset all too frequently

Bullying – exerting domination over others in unhealthy ways in order to create a false impression of power and superiority

Depression – allowing yourself to be a victim, dominated by a mood of sadness often to avoid responsibility for making your life work optimally or to attract the pity of others

Fear – the third most prevalent emotional response often due to a perceived inability to impact one's situation

Many other situations including Abuse, Addictions, School Drop outs, Poverty and even Suicide are also strongly linked to NOT having sufficient self-esteem!

As a Self-Esteem Elevation Coach for Children you WILL have the ability to change all that and make a HUGE difference in the lives of so many children so that they can grow into happy, prosperous, well-adjusted adults!

Self-Esteem Coaches:

Can earn rewarding incomes by working with children, teachers and parents to support children to develop soaring self-esteem.

Can work from home, set their own hours and fees

Enjoy ultra-fulfilling work that makes a huge difference in children's (and adults') lives

Enjoy the respect, gratitude and admiration of all those they work with

Can take pride in shifting the consciousness of our planet by having a direct impact on the lives of the children and families they work with

Will change their own lives as they change the lives of others!

Become a Certified Self-Esteem Coach for Children, visit HERE.

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